Should I Learn British or American?

03 Februari

Around 3-4 days before Christmas, my university already entering a holiday time.
It's a very long holiday. The next semester will started at last of February.
We got around 2 months holiday.
And when heard that i just like, 'Uh, what a long holiday! It's such a waste of time. I don't know what i am gonna do spending those days.'

On first week, i attend to spend time with useful activity.

Like, clean up my wardrobe. Sorting out some clothes and re-organize it.
Or learning new clasiccal music on keyboard, learning guitar, clean my desk, bookshelf, and just do cleaning many things at first week.

After that, nothing to clean anymore. Everything already cleaned up, and neatly rearranged.
And i don't know what to do after that.
It's impossible to spend hours just by playing keyboard and guitar right? :D

In brief, i spent dozen day with useless activities.
Till a day, i just scrolling through instagram like usual. And i found a quote post by an account.
That quote really hit me.

I'm trying to translate it as best as i can do.

You'll regret after count
how many hours and chances that you waste
to delaying and work based on mood

Time keep going fastly
without you even know it.
If you really want to get something,
commitment and high level of discipline
being the main key.

Don't regret if sometime you realize
be in a wrong place.
Because to long
lulled into laziness

It's sounded like that.
I don't know precisely where it's come from, who wrote it, and in what book is it written.
But it really hit me. Stabbed me. Slapped me so hard

I decide to continuing learning English.
Maybe i didn't have any other outstanding talent like the other.
And maybe, this is my way, my destiny.

Who know about that?
Many lyrics said 'If you never try, then you never know'.
So i need to try it to know whether this is my destiny or not.

And what i actually want to share is....

I get in a point that make me confused whether choosing to learn British accent or American accent.
I already spent few weeks to learning British accent. But it's not easy.
Some words maybe have a big difference in American pronounciation.

Listening to story, listening to British speaker, even i spent few minutes to read a British poem every day. 'Till i know very well that poem.
I pronounce it every time. Morning until night. Everytime i can say it, i will say it.

My reason to learn British accent is, it sounded cool for me, and very unique.
But it's not easy to get this accent. I have used American accent in several years. All English lesson in Indonesian formal school (as i know) is using the American style too.
So, basically British is not familiar for me.

There is some Youtube English Teacher tell that we don't need to copy other's accent. Because every person have unique accent.
Our accent tell ourself, our country, our family. It's also showed people that English is our second language, we can speak in two languages. It's cool, right?

Those words discouraged me in learning British accent. So i decided not to try copying British accent anymore.
I feel relieved for a moment.
But in other side, i feel want to be able speak in British style. It's kinda cool and nice.
I got confused.

Because while i learning British accent, i found some trouble to adapt my mouth to the pronounciation that have many difference in American.

Some friends of mine said, it's just a matter of preference. No matter what accent you use, the important thing is, others could understand what you mean, what you said.
Yep, that is the most true answer that really make me relieved!

I think others wouldn't understand what i said if i use British style (even my brother shouted to me when i talk in British all day long. He said my pronounciation is totally weird :p).
I also more comfortable in my style, in American style.

So, if whoever you that reading this and have the same problem, i hope you'll feel relieved after reading this!
Just choose the one that make you comfortable the most in pronounciation.

But it's okay to learn another accent if you want.
Because i still want to learn the British accent. It's really challenging!
Maybe one day i can speak comfortably in this accent.

Let's learn!

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nlart · Maru