Tiring Day

26 Januari

Such a tiring day.

Saturday, it supposed to be a free day.
Oh, actually not. There is an (just call it) event on my office. I should go to work (actually).
But my neighbor already booked me from around 2 weeks ago.
They want me to be (kinda) receptionist on their daughter's wedding. This is the reason why on previous day i said i'm anxious.

Strange social environment scare me so much. I'm a person who takes long time to feel comfortable in a social environment, and i didn't have good abilty in socializing. I even ever diagnose myself, that i got a Social Anxiety Disorder. But i don't want believe it. Throw that things far far away.

Even though it seems daunting, but i have to face it. As a human being, we must face that kind of situation. Facing strange environment, knowing new place, new people.

By 10 o'clock, this morning, i went to that neighbor's house. It's exactly across my house. For make up, and preparation.
I was the first person who get the make up on. #oh terrible English.#

In short, the wedding procession started around 2 PM. Actually it was really interesting. I never know how Javanese wedding procession, and saw it completely by this day. Such a unique culture that should be preserved. This is interesting!

Time flew, then at 5 PM we came back to our table, being a receptionist after taking break few minutes. The strange environment really irritating me, but i couldn't avoid this. I should be brave, i keep cheering myself. At last, i could chit-chat pretty much with them (the other 4 receptionist girls) and it was fun!

Time walk fastly. The guests come in pretty high traffic, maybe that's why time feel flew fast. But suddenly walk extremely slow around 9 PM.
I'm exhausted, neither feel hungry nor thirsty. Those feelings covered by exhausted feeling. I really want to sleep.

Thank God, i could go home earlier, before the Reception session finished. Even, i wrote this scrambled words with those Malayan-orchestra (for simplicity, read it Dangdut) as the instrument.

Okay, i'm at the maximum level of sleepiness and tiredness. I need sleep, because i must wake early tomorrow.

There is no holiday! -my mom.

-very relieved-

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